søndag 1. november 2009

Skremmende trusler i Hemne!

I forbindelse med anmeldelsene mot Hemne-ungdommer i forbindelse med asyl-motakket der ute, dukket dette innlegget opp i Sør-Trøndelag :

30.10.09 - 00:52
these pretended "tuff" youngsters who attack asylum seekers should know that one day they'll attack the wrong peoples and somebody is going to get killed.if the police wants to treat with such racist behaviour by doing nothing,because in hemne everybody knows every familly,then i hope that they'll also be this passiv when some of these attackers will get killed during such episode. per sandberg brother knows well about that,he was lucky to survive.
Av: eye4eye "

Jeg har selvsagt ingen mulighet til å sjekke IP og hvor dette innlegget kommer fra i virkeligheten. Det kan bare Sør-Trøndelag selv. Det er mulig det er en bløff, at det i virkeligheten er skrevet av en Hemnværing, eller en annen nordmann for å sverte asylantene.

Uansett burde ALDRI S-T ha trykket dette innlegget, da det er en direkte, anonym drapstrussel!

Ettersom jeg ikke har andre opplysninger, skrev jeg og sendte inn følgende innlegg til nettdebatten i S-T, som ikke har blitt lagt ut :

"Dette er en alvorlig trussel. Det er en rasistisk motivert mordrussel, skrevet på et språk mange - innklusive de ivrigste talsmenn for et mangefarget samfunn, bør forstå.

Politiet TRENGER ikke å motta noen anmeldelse for å åpne etterforskning mot den person som har skrevet dette, de har rett og plikt til å gripe inn, og få tatt hånd om denne personen eller gruppen, før de gjør alvor av det de truer med.

Og det understreker alvoret i det jeg skrev, dette er ikke noen ensidig rasisme fra nordmenn, slett ikke. Det er gatevold og det er går begge veier.

Jeg antydet at begge parter var like gode, jeg tok feil, for her kan alle og enhver selv lese at den ene parten, blir egget opp av den støtte offentligheten gir dem, gang på gang, og retter mordtrusler i klart språk og i et offentlig medium.

Det bør stoppe kjeften på bedreviterne.

Å blande kulturer som står mot hverandre i synet på nesten alt, har aldri vært noen god ide.
Dersom dette utsagnet blir stående som offisielt svar fra denne gruppen, er det bare å starte hjemsending av "killerne" - vi vet fra før hva mange av dem har gjort FØR de kom, frivillig eller ikke, og det er IKKE akseptabelt å ta med den kulturen i håndbagasjen til Norge!

Innsendt av Erik Prestmo "

I tillegg vil jeg gjerne si til denne fyren, ettersom jeg ikke har annet valg enn å anta at han er en asylsøker, som har kommet hit for å søke beskyttelse fra strid og trusler:

You may think you're though, coming out of a war in Africa. Of course norwegians have no experience, compared to yours, on that.

We did welcome you with open arms, offering you shelter, food on the table and the prospect of a safe & good life here in our little country.

If you for a minute think that you can repay our hospitality with threats, murder and worse, you stand to learn a brand new thing. You are WAY out of line.

I will promise you I will make it my business to have you thrown out of this country, and transported back to the sad miserable hole you came from, should you EVER put muscles behind your threats.

I might also add that if you ever start a gang-war here, not only you but all of your compatriots, family and friends will be put on the same plane, WE have the right to decide who's to stay and who's to go. Unless you choose the path to PEACE in our country, you have absolutely no right to stray here.

Do not for a minute think norwegians are unable to defend themselves or their young, you will find yourself very surprized........ and ultimately in shackles.

WE expect and demand from you and all your cohorts, that you stop whatever it is you're planning.
We demand that you either seek a quiet life in Norway, and defrain from ALL politcal activity and ALL brutality and criminality, and adjust to our way of life, or seek your fortune back in the place you came from.

A political asylum by definition and its very nature demands that from you.

Teach yourself our language, respect our customs, respect our culture and tradions, respect our LAWS, respect our women and threat our children with respect and humilty, or be gone.

We intend to keep ou country exactly like it is to day, we intend to keep our culture, our freedom of speech and freedom of belief and religion exactly like it is to day. Like it or not, we really don't care, and really have no time discussing these matters at all, in these matters you really have no choice and will never be offered one.

We intend to reserve for ourselves the right to criticize anyone that come from afar and don't like our way or doing things, and unless they adjust themselves to OUR way of life, they have no business of stying on these shores.

You should interest yourself in finding a JOB, not setting up some sort of criminal gangs and fighting norwegian gangs in the streets.

In finding a JOB, the key is understanding our language, and respect our way of life and customs. Without that you have no chance whatever, to earn the right of a good life in our country.

If you feel you're under attack, then there is no reason you should gang up and patrol our streets in search of trouble. We have offered you a safe heaven, stay there where we offer you all a shelter, and stay out of trouble.

If you think you - in addition to threatening those you prefer fighting with on our streeets with deadly threats - also are free to direct threaths to the health and safety of their families, I can let you in on a big secret, probably not known among your ilk : norwegian homes are among the best defended homes in the world.

We have and intend to keep for ourselves, effective means of self-defence, there is no way anyone like you can walk all over defenceless people over HERE, and kill them at your leisure, just like in that hell-hole you just crawled out of, even if the authorities and our police might turn the blind eye to your abhorrent threats for the time being.

To sum it all up : if you all feel life is not what you expected here, and don't particularly like the way we do things, or respect us, who offer you all boundless help and sustenance in a world of limited resources, then by all means you are all free to go.

Noone is keeping you back.

Just mention to those that house you, that you no longer want to stay, and a free transfer back, with a handsome purse as well, to set you up for a fresh start in the old country, can be arranged quickly and without any trouble at all!

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